15 April 2009

frump (frŭmp) n. 1. A girl or woman regarded as dull, plain, or unfashionable.

I love it when the underdog triumphs, at least when it's for real, and not some Hollywood cliché. Some may remember Paul Potts from a couple years ago -- bad teeth and all, the guy sang "Nessun Dorma" to peel the paint. This is just as delightful, and the "Britain's Got Talent" panel's reactions are priceless. YouTube won't let me embed this, so you'll just have to follow the link -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luRmM1J1sfg

04 April 2009

Sheer Exuberance

I absolutely love this. If only the bass player looked like he was having a good time ...